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Crown Forces


The Crown Company provides the British Forces and Perspective during the Revolutionary War.

Primary Impression (under the British Brigade) is:

      XIV Regiment of Foot, Grenadier Company 1775.


Additionally, the Crown Company covers other British Forces, Loyalists, and Camp Followers of the Army.

We focus on the South Hampton Roads area during the 1775-1776 (“Dunmore’s Campaign”) and 1780-1781 (“Arnold’s / Phillips / Cornwallis’ Campaign”).


Impressions include:


►XIV ROF (Grenadiers, Lights, Regulars)

►Marines (Royal)

►Queen’s Own Loyal Virginia Regiment

►Ethiopian Regiment

►Royal Naval

►Camp Followers / Civilian Support (Loyalists)


►80th Regiment of Foot (Grenadiers, Lights, Regulars)

►Marines (Royal)

►Queen’s Rangers (Lt.Col. Simcoe)

►Jaegers (Capt. Ewald)

*Additional “Crown” Impressions as approved by the Acting Company Lieutenant.

As with all companies in the 7th Virginia Regiment current members are always available and willing to assist you on your journey to the 18th century


The contents of this site are the intellectual property of 7th Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line. All rights reserved

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